TradeStation Strategy Performance
Report |
Time Analysis (Days) |
Trading period |
Years |
2.36 |
Months |
28.37 |
Weeks |
122.96 |
Days |
863.06 |
Time in the market |
60 |
Percent in the market |
6.78% |
Longest flat period |
12.74 |
Avg. time in trades |
0.12 |
Avg. time between trades |
1.60 |
Avg. time in winning trades |
0.12 |
Avg. time between winning trades |
2.35 |
Avg. time in losing trades |
0.12 |
Avg. time between losing trades |
5.48 |
Equity Curve Analysis |
Avg. time between peaks (days) |
11.49 |
Maximum Equity Run-up (daily) |
$132 622.25 |
03/04/2009 |
-8452.66% |
Maximum Equity Drawdown (daily) |
($4 692.50) |
25/09/2008 |
4.60% |
Average Monthly Return |
Standard Deviation of Monthly
Returns |